“Can I Pray for You?”

“Can I pray for you?” 

The first time I said those words to a coworker, my heart was pounding. 

How would they respond? What if they said no? What if they said yes?

As Christians, we are called to share our faith, even when it feels risky. Sometimes, this means stepping out of our comfort zones and being ready to share God’s love and truth, especially in places like our schools where His presence is greatly needed.

But in order to do this, preparation is key. Through prayer, studying the Word, and reflection, we can prepare our hearts and minds to be more confident when stepping out in faith. But how do we apply this to our daily roles as educators?  

The following are a few practical ways that I have learned to prepare for practicing risky faith in my school:

  1. Prepare with Small Acts of Kindness:
    Begin by showing God’s love through your actions. Simple gestures like offering a listening ear, giving a genuine compliment, or helping a colleague can open doors for deeper conversations about faith. Let your kindness be a testament to God’s presence in you.
  2. Prepare a Safe Space for Prayer:
    Establish a prayer group with other educators. By making prayer a visible and approachable part of your environment, you can invite others to experience God’s peace and presence. Preparing this space shows others that you’re ready and willing to pray for them too.
  3. Prepare to Be Bold in Sharing Your Testimony:
    Authenticity and vulnerability can inspire others to explore their own faith and relationship with God. When the opportunity arises, share your personal faith journey with others. Talk about how God has worked in your life and how He continues to guide and support you. 

“Can I pray for you?” 

Every time I have asked someone this question, it has felt a little scary. However, the outcome has always been worth it. 

Taking these steps requires courage and a willingness to be vulnerable, but remember that God is with you. As you prepare and step out in risky faith, He will guide you and provide the words and actions needed to touch the hearts of those around you.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

How are you preparing to share your faith in your school community this year? Take time this week to reflect on the ways you can act with courage and kindness. Consider starting a prayer group, offering support to a colleague, or sharing your testimony. Embrace the opportunities to bring God’s love into your daily interactions and trust that He will equip you for the journey!

2 Responses

  1. I have prayer group in my room once a week, before contract time starts. A colleague asked me to pray for her, but never came to prayer group, even though I invited her several times. I prayed for her for many months. She was facing possible infertility, at a young age. A couple of years later, she has a healthy one year old son. She didn’t have to come to prayer group to be prayed for, and I hope others on my campus know I will pray for them, even if they don’t feel comfortable to come to my room. The fact that they ask me to pray for them is more than enough!

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