Daily Devotionals:
Embracing Imperfection
One of the most liberating truths I've encountered as a Christian is that we don’t...
From Classroom to Calm: Finding God’s Presence in Summer
The transition from the school year's hustle to the summer’s calm has always felt abrupt. ...
Baby Steps
This month, I will celebrate two full years in a position I didn’t want initially. ...
Video Playlist
1/3 videos
Waking up the army: ambassadors for Christ in our public schools
Waking up the army: ambassadors for Christ in our public schools
Steps of Prayer Promo
Steps of Prayer Promo
Help teachers stop indoctrination in our public schools!
Help teachers stop indoctrination in our public schools!
Reflecting on the School Year
When the final bell rang, I looked up and wondered where the day had gone....
Christian Educators joins lawsuit to halt the Biden admin’s unlawful effort to rewrite Title IX
Contact: Executive Director David Schmus david@christianeducators.org 888-798-1124 Christian Educators joins lawsuit to halt the Biden...
Walking in the Opposite Spirit
Jesica Glover
Following a harsh warning, a teacher's feelings of offense turn into honor.
Life-Giving Connection
Lesley Blake
Expecting judgment and hate, a student decides he is not going to like his Christian...
“Open Your Books to Page 37”
Mike Hicks
After experiencing a traumatic event, a compassionate teacher discovers a powerful strategy to help students...
July 23, 2024
Summer Book Study
July 25, 2024
AWAKE Memphis, TN
July 30, 2024
Summer Book Study

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CE Summer Bible Study

Thanks for your interest in joining us as we read through the New Testament with our fellow Christian educators this summer!