Reflecting on the School Year

When the final bell rang, I looked up and wondered where the day had gone. Between taking the seniors back to their kindergarten center in the morning and practicing for graduation in the afternoon, my last day of the year felt like a whirlwind. I wanted to rewind and start it all over. As a high school principal, I know that the last day of school is always filled with a lot of emotions and energy—and never enough time. 

Have you ever had a moment like this in your career? The final bell rings and it feels like it all happened too fast… 

If so, I want to encourage you today. The following three prompts can help you pause, rewind, and reflect on everything you accomplished this year—instead of fearing what you missed.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10, KJV

Create in me a clean heart: Are you struggling to let go of a final interaction that didn’t go as planned this year? Maybe a student you worked with all year left before you could say goodbye? Or perhaps you regret an interaction with another staff member or parent that you wish had ended differently? Before your summer starts, take some time to ask God for forgiveness for your shortcomings. Pray for the ability to learn from the past and then use it to become better for the next year.

Renew: At the beginning of summer, one of my favorite activities is opening up my “Good News” box which contains cards and notes I have received throughout the school year. Too often during the year, I get these notes and dismiss them too quickly. By saving them and reviewing them at the end of the year, I can see the gifts God has given me through a drawing, a note, or a card from someone unexpected.

Right Spirit: There is a season of in-between for me as the year wraps up that typically includes exhaustion and sleeping away the first weekend of summer. After this time of rest, I am then able to emerge from the fog of busyness and start to see my purposes more clearly. Be sure to take the necessary time to rest your mind and renew your soul after a long school year.

As you step into your well-deserved summer break, I encourage you to carry with you the lessons from this past year. Let them shape your journey, renew your energy, and inspire you to continue making a difference in the lives of your students. Your reflection today, grounded in prayer and thanksgiving, is the foundation for a brighter, more impactful tomorrow. Trust in God’s plan for you, and rejoice in His continued work in you.

SavED by Grace

A fun and encouraging blog community designed to highlight the stories and testimonies of Christian educators, empowering and encouraging them as they faithfully serve each and every day in their schools. 

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CE Summer Bible Study

Thanks for your interest in joining us as we read through the New Testament with our fellow Christian educators this summer!