The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes a healthy, your whole body will be full of light. Matthew 6:22, NIV

When did I lose my confidence?

As a young, unmarried, childless teacher, I had all the answers. Parents of teenagers would come with the problems that they saw in their children and I had answers for all of them. They leaned forward, earnestly, in their chairs to listen to wisdom—to grasp any hope for their puzzling children.

It’s not the same anymore. Many years have passed since I was that brilliant solver of the problems for all parents. Now that I have been married and a mother for many years, my confidence is gone! Now I hear the problems that parents of teenagers have and I can only empathize. Now, I squeeze their hand, look deep into their eyes, and say, “I don’t have the answers!” I sigh with them and cry with them. I can’t begin to know the depth of their pain. But I can guess at the dreams that have been killed, the disappointment that looms bigger every day as that child moves farther away from the ideals that mom and dad had when they held that infant in their arms.

Now, they lean toward me, but I lean equally toward them. I let them know that they are not in this alone. I’m in the ring with them fighting for their children’s souls.

As a teacher in a public school, I may not be able to pray publicly in school, but my eyes hold the truth. As hopeless heads come up and as eyes meet mine, I know who they see behind my eyes.

Now, I know that the only thing of value I have to offer them is Jesus Christ living in me. And I trust that they see Him in my eyes!

May we know without a doubt that we are nothing without You, Oh Lord, our Savior. May our words today be a sweet sound in Your ear. Amen.

Copyright Cheryl Skid.

Cheryl is a member and retired educator from Missouri.

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