And He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf. Therefore from now on we recognize no one by the flesh… 2 Corinthians 5:15-16a, NASB

Years ago I attended a “professional manners” seminar at a new job where we learned everything from how to dress and dine professionally to proper etiquette in all kinds of situations. It was an excellent presentation. One of the finer details that the instructor explained is that a certain type of hair accessory is not appropriate for professional attire, and related with disdain (I think only to emphasize her point) that she had interacted with a flight attendant thus equipped on her flight to the seminar. This may have landed a little too close to home for one of the seminar participants, who responded with something like, “How do you do your job of judging people without, well, judging and looking down on them?”

I hope I never forget the instructor’s response. She said, “I treat everyone as the person God created them to be, not as the person they are portraying.”

Wow! That got our attention, and put into perspective everything else she was teaching us. I don’t think she could have scripted a better way to emphasize the whole point of etiquette (especially in a secular setting) had she planned it.

Fast forward 25 years and I am seeking to understand 2 Corinthians 5:16 for the umpteenth time while attending a Christian Educators AWAKE Experience. All at once, the Lord did that thing where He opened my eyes to a fresh understanding of His Word. What had been confusing to me was suddenly clear. Recognizing no one according to the flesh any longer, because Christ died for me and for them means that I don’t have to react to their flesh with my flesh anymore, but can respond to their spirit with the Spirit that is in me instead. It was exactly what the wise etiquette instructor had shared so many years ago, and it “wowed” me all over again!

When Jesus spoke to people, He spoke to the person He created them to be, the person I believe He longs for them to be. Yes, we have all diverted fatally from that identity, but there is a spark of it still in there in a real, if not necessarily tangible sense. And thanks to Jesus, it can be found again; it can be treated with. We can help fan that spark into a flame!

Today, we can honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by intentionally speaking into the “new creation” that Jesus died for as we interact with students, parents, and colleagues regardless of whether that “new creation” is aware of his or her true identity. And when we do, we will be both like Jesus, and pointing them to Him at the same time.

Lord, You are Truth, and You are powerful. Your truth is powerful. Make us into truth-telling, Jesus-speaking people both to ourselves and to others, knowing that the Truth points us to new life in You. Amen.

Copyright Jere Vandewalle.

Jere is the Director of Operations for Christian Educators.

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