They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11, NIV

Confession: Sometimes I’m afraid to open up and share the depth of what is happening in my life with others. I know that being transparent is important for healthy relationships, but I often second-guess myself.

I wonder, Am I sharing the struggle out of impure motives or selfishness? Am I sharing to get an “atta boy” or fill up my need for empathy from those around me? Am I taking the intimacy of what God is doing within me and wasting it?

While these are all important questions, I’m becoming aware of a new truth: God knows our hearts and can use even the most impure and immature motives to teach us.

For me, this is a new kind of faith—a new understanding that sharing, especially in our brokenness, gives God a window for others to see His grace and presence. It opens a space for Him to be seen and heard. When He asks for transparency there is no reason to entertain doubts about our motives. He uses it. Why? Because He is a God of redemption and grace. He is not limited by our motives or heart posture. He knows us intimately. He has a deeper understanding than we can comprehend of both the fallen nature of our hearts and the depth of His redemption and love.

Jesus, help us to walk in faith of who You are and the truth of Your immense love. Help us to grasp each day—just a small piece of Your eternal redemption. Help us to continue offering up our lives in honesty and transparency. And help us to have hearts that long for testimonies of You. Amen.

Copyright Rebekah Hutchinson.

Rebekah is a Christian Educators member and a second-grade teacher in Vancouver, Washington.

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One Response

  1. Thank you Rebekah, this is excellent! It is only by His grace that we are able to see our broken motives clearly in the first place, so if we are aware of them it is evidence that He is working and loving us.

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