What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8:4, ESV

What place bustles the most in a school every morning before the morning bell and every day after lunch? Well, besides the principal’s office…it’s the school nurse’s office.

Though the nurse meets everyone in the school at one time or another, there are, in any school, regular visitors to the nurse’s office. You know the ones: those children who can find any number of excuses to get out of their least favorite subject, make every cut and scrape appear to be life-threatening, and are on a first-name basis with the nurse.

What attracts these children to the school nurse? In most schools, children find her full of tender, loving care. She seems to know what each student needs physically, but most of all what they need emotionally.

Teachers, because of their responsibilities to all the other children, cannot attend to the emotional needs of their students as often. However, the school nurse has the time (usually) for one-on-one conversation and gentle nurturing. God bless those school nurses who know Him and serve Him by ministering to these children.

Our Creator ministers to us in the same way. He always has time for one-on-one conversations with us. The living God thinks of us and cares for us daily. Let this fact lead you to worship Him today and remember His faithful presence as you serve Him in your school. You can go to Him and get even better care than you would receive from the school nurse!

May we, as educators, turn to God in the midst of our trials and pain to receive the equipping, empowering, and encouraging elements of the Holy Spirit through Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.

Shirley is a retired Christian Educators member and former board member of Christian Educators.

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