Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16, NIV

It was just a coffee mug. It sat on my desk, went with me to meetings, sat on the table in the teachers’ lounge, etc. It had been given to me as a gift. The Scripture verses on it weren’t even complete—just snippets—but enough to let people understand they were Bible verses. Sometimes I would see children whose chairs were next to my desk turn around and read it while sitting in my classes. Innocuous enough—just a coffee mug.

Are you taking every opportunity? Certainly, I have missed many, but my coffee mug was one easy way for me to say to everyone, “God’s Word is important to me and I am not ashamed of it.”

I never had to say anything. It did the talking. While such methods can get out of control and make enemies for us, when used in moderation, they can be a powerful silent witness.

Jesus, in big and small ways, may we have Your wisdom to make Your name known. Amen.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.

Shirley is a retired member and former board member of Christian Educators.

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