The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham. Matthew 1:1, NKJV

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, NKJV

As a co-vocational pastor, I’ve preached multiple times about 2 Timothy. I’m constantly reminding our people that scripture is the ultimate source of “teaching and learning” for us as Christians. But let’s be honest: I zone out when I get to the “begots.” What could God possibly teach me from a genealogy?

But when I really dug in and studied chapter one of Matthew one day, I noticed that all of the names God included in the earthly ancestry of His Son—Jacob (the name means trickster), Tamar (Gentile woman), Ruth (Gentile woman), Bathsheeba (not by name, but as “Uriah’s wife”), David (adulterer)—lead us to Jesus Christ and remind us that God can overcome circumstances of the past to accomplish His purposes…

“You know who her brothers are…”

One of my students had two brothers who were considered “bad kids.” They had made more than their fair share of poor choices. Therefore, many of my colleagues thought she was also destined to be a failure. Surely, if her brothers are in and out of trouble with the law, she, too, would never be able to accomplish much.

But there was something that drew me into this student’s story. I could sense that this student desired to do more and be more. She wanted to accomplish great things. She refused to be defined by her circumstances. So she graduated with honors, attended college through scholarship and hard work, and in a few short months will obtain a Doctor of Education degree.

I got to be her teacher, and now I get to be her colleague. And every time I walk by her door, I’m reminded that it is in the “begots” that God encourages us that the past does not define us or our students. How blessed we are to reach into the next generation and see lives changed for His glory!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of being an educator. Help me to continue to be a positive influence on every student. Help me to remember that regardless of who “begot” the student in front of me, I have the opportunity to love and nurture them to learn and grow. Teach me how to reach those who are difficult to love, and how to support those who want to be more than a victim of their circumstances. Remind me, Lord, that my content is a means to a greater end. Help me develop relationships with these students that will carry both them and me forward when days are tough. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Copyright Andrew Bowen.

Andrew is a co-vocational pastor and math teacher in Georgia.

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One Response

  1. I have a girl in my life that isn’t what her “begots” have been. She is a special individual and she is rising and growing above the circumstances she was born into and spent her very young years in. She’s breaking the “generational curses” that plague her family. She is also a bonus daughter to us and she has, is, and will do major things for the Kingdom of God. These kids are amazing to watch! I love the full circle of your story. I can’t wait to watch our girl go!

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