Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5, NIV 

We all have had those days. Days when disappointments seem to pile up. Days when you think, Can I just start this day over? Why did I come to work? Why did I get out of bed? 

Those days will happen. When they happen to me, I think back to a scene in the 1980s classic television series Anne of Avonlea when Marilla walks into Anne’s room where she is quietly weeping. As Marilla puts her arm around her, Anne exclaims, “Oh Marilla, such a Jonah day.”

The phrase “Jonah day” is often used metaphorically to describe a day when someone experiences a string of challenges, as though they are being “pursued by misfortune” like Jonah.

But let’s think about why Jonah experienced such misfortune—he was in fact running away from what God had asked him to do. The truth is, Jonah’s story teaches us how not to respond to God. We learn that when God calls us to do something, we shouldn’t run from it. Instead, we should seek Him and His plans and purposes for us through prayer and His Word.

Is this easy? Absolutely not. But remember, trials and tribulations should lead you closer to God. You may be pressed, but not crushed. You may feel persecuted, but God WILL NOT abandon you.

Lord, I call out to You in my distress and You answer me. When my life is fainting away, I remember You, Lord and my prayers come to You. I give thanks to You, Oh, Lord, because salvation belongs to You alone! You are my joy and my strength. Amen.

Copyright Sarah Tillinghast.

Sarah is a member and a kindergarten teacher from Mid-Missouri.

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