When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me. Psalm 86:7, NIV

Have you ever had a trouble-free school year? Or school day? Pretty silly to even think about, right? But when inevitable trouble happens, what is your reaction? Do you call on God for help?

The truth is that God promises He will answer us when we call on Him whenever trouble comes. There is no trouble too big or too small. There is nothing He can’t solve.

Let’s make a habit of calling out to Him for all our troubles, big and small, and watch Him transform our school and personal lives.

Jesus, I am so thankful for the way You faithfully answer me when I call to You. Teach me to first call out to You when trouble comes my way and then watch and see what You do. Amen.

Copyright Karen Seddon.

Karen is the Florida Director for Christian Educators and the author of several books encouraging educators in prayer.

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