This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 John 5:14, NIV

In a devotion published in February of 2024, I shared a story about a member of my mother’s church body who needed a car and had no means to afford one. Living 300 miles away from the need, I realized all my husband and I could contribute were prayers of childlike faith, asking Dad to intervene. Our church body prayed. My mom prayed. Many prayed.

Last Thanksgiving, my family and I traveled to my hometown, and we found ourselves gathered around the table with Faye, that very same member of my mother’s church we had prayed for last February. Engaging in a series of questions throughout the meal that circled the table, we arrived at this one: “Tell about a time a prayer was answered in your life.”

As Faye’s turn arrived, instead of answering, she began to cry. She touched my mom’s forearm, and we all realized she couldn’t speak through the tears.

“Please, would you…”

My mom understood.

“This spring, a couple who lives about an hour south of here heard about Faye’s need and took her car shopping. The three of them picked out a small SUV with low miles.”

At this point, many eyes around the table were welling up, and Faye continued to press a hand to her mouth, overcome with emotion.

My mom continued, “They worked out a monthly payment plan with Faye that was reasonable for her, paid off the additional amount themselves, and—as of today—the car is free and clear in Faye’s name.”

No bites were taken for a moment. Forks were silent. Hearts were full.

Just as I knew He would, Dad took care of it.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your loving and capable hands that hold the whole world. Thank You for answering the prayers of Your children. Help us to never stop seeking You with childlike faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright Kristi Shanenko.

Kristi is a Christian Educators member and a high school English teacher who lives in North Dakota.

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2 Responses

  1. Now I’m crying too. Dad always takes care of it! He takes care of it similarly to a lot of dads here, but so much more abundantly than we can even imagine! There are so many times I’ve experienced Him fixing all the big and little problems in my life and every time it’s humbling. Thank you for sharing, this touched me as well.

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