For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a day of Sabbath rest to the LORD. Exodus 35:2, NIV

Neil is a high school English teacher who facilitates a staff encouragement group at his school once a week. Neal noticed that one of the teachers who regularly met for prayer seemed to be physically ill quite often. He knew she was a strong believer and very active in youth ministry at her church. As prompted by the Holy Spirit, one day Neil asked her, “Do you ever rest? Do you ever take a real Sabbath day of rest?”

She assured Neil she did, so he asked her what an average Sunday was like for her. This was her Sabbath agenda: prepare for and teach Sunday school, attend a one to two-hour worship service, prepare and serve lunch for her family, do several loads of laundry, take a two-hour nap, prepare and serve supper, and then go back to church and attend the one to two-hour evening church service.

Neil was exhausted after she finished explaining it to him. Her “day” of rest was actually only “two hours” of rest.

What does your Sabbath day of rest look like?

The truth is that God wants us to rest in His arms. He wants to take our empty hands and lead us. But He can’t grab our hands to lead us if we are constantly carrying something. We must let go and let Him lead!

Lord, show us how to take a true Sabbath day of rest. Amen.

Copyright Don Clark.

Don is a member and a retired elementary special education teacher. He recently retired from his role as the Houston area director for Christian Educators.

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One Response

  1. Such a good reminder for all of us that we are called to rest. God rested on the seventh day. Jesus rested when he needed to rest. I’m guilty of staying busy during time I should be resting in God’s comfort. Thank you for the reminder.

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