Unleash Joy
Free to Teach - December 2024

I have not seen the new “Gladiator II” movie, but its recent release reminds me of a line from the original. General Maximus (Russell Crowe) famously says prior to the start of a battle, “On my signal, unleash hell!”

In my current lifestage, this line brings to mind the traumatic thought of unleashing my energetic 2-year-old son into a living room full of low shelves and end tables crowded with breakable figurines and picture frames. Please pray for us. You may have some students that have this effect on your classroom. I will pray for you too.

But all humor aside, just in the last few weeks, I have witnessed more troubling whispers of “hell” being unleashed upon Christian educators serving in our public schools:

  • A Minnesota CE member was apparently baited by students into sharing her faith for the purpose of getting her fired. Their parents called the police and our member was even read her Miranda rights (though not arrested)!
  • A Texas CE member has seen her after-school Bible study canceled by admins who posit the excuse that students need more time to prepare for state testing.
  • Two members from Oregon and Pennsylvania are being required as part of their jobs to implement policies enforcing gender ideology.
  • A California educator (a nonmember who reached out for help) is being disciplined by her principal for using a Bible and videos like “The Prince of Egypt” to teach about ancient civilizations.

Of course, we are providing these educators with appropriate support and defense. Our ability to support non-members is more limited, but we are certainly doing what we can. As the Supreme Court has recently reminded us in the Kennedy ruling, Christian educators (and those of other faiths) are free to teach in our public schools without inappropriate limits being placed upon their faith expression, even while we recognize limits imposed by the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.

But let me go further. Even if all of those cases above end favorably, we still are not truly free to teach in our schools just by limiting the encroaches of false worldviews, hostile parents, and overzealous or misguided administrators.

Rather, what I repeatedly see that limits our true freedom to teach in the ways God intended are not these external factors at all. Rather, it is the internal factors that limit us the most:

  • Our fear of failure or rejection that limits the expression of our Spirit-led true selves in our teaching and limits our faith in our powerful God.
  • Our anger, unforgiveness, or resentment towards students, parents, admins, colleagues, or even God (or ungrieved grief that often manifests as anger)
  • Our shame, disappointment, or negative comparisons to others that are often driven by perfectionism
  • Our worry and anxiety about things beyond our control

These internal dynamics that weigh us down and keep us in bondage limit our effectiveness as educators and as human beings. However, the teachers who have been set free by faith in the victorious Jesus, the powerful work of the Holy Spirit, and the crazy, awesome love of the Father are truly free to teach…to unleash joy.

And here’s the best part—when we are set free of these inhibitions there is no limit to the joy we can experience in our classrooms, locker rooms, and even the teachers’ lounge. Furthermore, joy defeats the work of the enemy and draws others to Jesus in us. Of course, you know all that already…the hard part is actually walking in it. Not all of us are Ms. Frizzle. So how do we increase our joy in order to partner with the Lord to unleash it in our schools and classrooms?

A more complete answer to that will require more space than I have here (I’d love to hear how you do this in the comments). But I can offer two observations. First, working to apply Philippians 4:4-9 has been a major part of my growth in this area. Rejoicing always and setting our minds on the true, the good, and the beautiful are not mere suggestions or good ideas for when we feel like it—they are life-giving commands. Let’s do it together and experience the blessing.

A second major piece has been listening for God to speak over me about my unique identity…let me explain. While we all share important corporate identities as Christians, like “child of God,” “chosen,” or “beloved,” God also has unique identities for us that reveal how we are uniquely created, gifted, and called. Think of Gideon when God called him out as a “mighty warrior” to deliver Israel. Recently, I had the great privilege of exploring this concept further with Jamie Winship as part of our Rise Up Summit. Consider watching our session (for free!) to learn more.

Learning to walk in our unique identities led by the Holy Spirit frees us from comparison to others, rebukes the accusations of the enemy against us, places us in the light and easy yoke of working with Jesus, and helps us release our fears of rejection and the need to defend our territory or reputation. That, my friends, unleashes joy.

Now, so that our joy may increase even more, let’s pray for God’s purposes to be accomplished regarding several developments happening around the nation. Praying over them is so much more helpful than just feeling any anxiety or anger some stories can evoke.

  • First Liberty is representing eighth grader Elijah Nelson in a lawsuit against a New York school district for refusing to allow a Bible club simply because it was a religious club. According to the suit, the district believed that they had to refuse the club to avoid sponsoring or funding religion. I’m sure most regular readers of this column know that the exact opposite is true—actually, they cannot discriminate against religious clubs if they allow other clubs.
  • We can rejoice over a successful settlement in a lawsuit that halts the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s attempt to require schools to adopt new “woke” teaching guidelines. The guidelines are now no longer required but are similar to the Minnesota standards I wrote about in September. They would have actually mandated beliefs about various issues like “microaggressions.”
  • The Florida Education Association lost over 15% of its members (over 20,000 teachers) in the 2023-24 school year following the passage of a paycheck protection law that banned teachers’ unions from deducting dues directly out of teachers’ paychecks.
  • Two Missouri school district employees have new hope for their lawsuit against required “anti-racist” training that allegedly taught that all white people are racist and that it is our “​​duty to vote for socialists and teach students to do the same.” The 8th Circuit Court voted to resurrect their lawsuit, despite prior defeats, and will hear oral arguments on January 15.

As we pray over these developments, let’s contend for God’s purposes to be done and then leave them in His care so we can walk in increased joy. We are not truly free to teach unless we can teach with the joy of the Lord flowing out of our hearts (John 7:38). Enjoy your Christmas break!

David Schmus is the Executive Director of Christian Educators.

Click the button below to learn more about David Schmus.

Free to Teach is written to inform, encourage, and inspire Christian educators serving in our public schools. It should not be construed as legal advice provided by an attorney.

2 Responses

  1. This was such an encouraging read! Philippians 4: Telling myself before I go into work, 1) Rejoice 2) Pray, so I might receive a PEACE that TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING. That is deep!!! What does it even mean in its totality…” a peace that transcends all understanding”? It is ultra profound, and it is available, as long as I continue trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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