Answering the Call

“Wait, what?” 

During my morning devotional time, a thought popped into my head: Give her the money. I knew God was prompting me to give a specific person a specific amount of money. However, I didn’t understand the request and wasn’t very close to the person to whom I was supposed to give the money. So I casually dismissed the thought, interpreting it as a misunderstanding. The request felt unfamiliar and in my initial uncertainty, I failed to grasp its divine nature. But little did I realize, this was the beginning of a profound calling.

Throughout the next week, I experienced three more nudgings to give this same person a specific amount of money. It wasn’t until the cash app came up on my phone home screen that I finally realized this was a request for me to answer His call. So, I opened the app, put the dollar amount in the app, and hit submit. Later on, I found out that this act of obedience led to an opportunity to pray for and encourage that recipient through a circumstance I had no idea was occurring!

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. John 4:10, NIV

After contemplating Jesus’ words in John 4:10 when He spoke to the Samaritan woman about the gift of God, my thoughts turned to the countless times we may find ourselves standing at the intersection of divine callings and personal uncertainty. 

Have you ever felt uncertain about a call to action because it didn’t align with your expectations or daily routines? What if the request was a little out of character or not in line with your typical activities?

After Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman in John 4:10, she begins bringing people to meet Him. And while the interaction is described in only a few sentences, I wonder how many times Jesus had spoken to her before she finally listened. 

Truthfully, when I think God may be calling me to act, my typical response is to avoid the call because of my own fear and doubt instead of leaning in and listening to His heart for me. Does this sound like you? If so, here are three ways to clear the noise, navigate the static, and prepare for opportunities to serve others.

Be Present…in the moment. Find time daily to be present and hear what He might be calling you to do. Journal the requests or thoughts as a way to discern His intentions and the possible impacts of the action. 

Be Open….to the invitation. Can you think of a time when He has invited you to something that you were afraid to receive? Instead of thinking about all the reasons you shouldn’t respond, focus on the blessings that could be received by saying yes.

Be Intentional…with your gifts. The Samaritan woman was perfectly designed to be the person to share His Word. What gifts have you been given that you might be resistant to share with others?

How do you respond when you think God may be calling you to act? What are some ways you have used your gifts to share God’s light with others? I would love to hear from you in the comments! 

2 Responses

  1. I remember in 2010 when I was invited to take 6 weeks of the summer to develop leadership skills. If I attended, that would prevent me from preparing for the start of school which often took a good part of the summer. This just didn’t make sense to go. It was outside my box. Then after saying no for 3 years, circumstances changed and I felt I had to go to support others, but not for me. Then there were thousands of dollars to be raised! I wasn’t really PRESENT about this nor was I OPEN…because I already had the answer. Hmmm.

    The Lord provided all of the funds, I went and watched Him change my ministry activities so that when I returned, I not longer did ministry in the same way. Since then the rewards of being there are evident every day and the primary gifts the Lord has given me are used now more than ever before. But…He had to intervene to get me there. I am now more INTENTIONAL than ever. So thankful.

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