It is my pleasure to introduce you to a new monthly feature, written by one of our Educational Consultants, David Piccolo (click the button at the bottom of this page to see his bio). David is one of our experts who responds with prayer, wisdom, coaching, and help when our members contact us. I am so excited that with this feature, all of our members will be able to benefit from his insights. Enjoy!

I hope all of you have had a restful, uplifting summer. Most of you are either back at the job or in preparation mode to return soon. We have been busy this summer assisting and encouraging our members with different situations and concerns as they prepare for the upcoming school year. At Christian Educators we embrace this opportunity and are excited and ready to walk this path of life with you.
As we all prepare for the upcoming school year I would like to provide you with a scripture verse that I believe will assist you when the waters seem troubled and confusing. In the book of Matthew, Jesus knows His time on earth is becoming much shorter. In this vein, He tells His disciples that in order to navigate in the waters ahead they must be, “As shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). Our Lord’s words are an excellent foundation of thought for how Christians in the workplace should deal with the many dynamics that may come their way this school year. Jesus by no means advises us to look out for our own best interests or be unethical. He asks us to be patient and seek wisdom before acting. In all, he charges us to do this with a heart of love and the intent to spread the gospel no matter what our calling.
This being said, the question may arise, how do we do this and remain focused on the mission at hand?…
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