Prayer: Heavenly Father, we ask for the perfect wisdom that comes from above to guide and direct the students You have placed in our classrooms. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen

Scripture: For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6 ESV

In I Kings 3, we read the account of Solomon, the third king of Israel. The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, “Ask what you wish me to give to you.” Solomon knew that he was in a place of great responsibility in leading the nation of Israel. He also knew he was not prepared for such an enormous task. He asked God for wisdom: the exact thing he needed to lead this group of people that was too large to be numbered. He spoke these words to God, “So give your servant a discerning heart to judge your people and to distinguish between good and evil.” God was greatly pleased with Solomon’s choice, and in I Kings 3:12 we read God’s words to Solomon: “I have given you a wise and discerning heart.”
When we enter our classrooms each morning, God places us in a position of great responsibility, and just like Solomon, we need wise and discerning hearts. Our classrooms are filled with children who know nothing of our God, but they do know anxiety, stress, pain and in some cases, suffering and abuse. Their behaviors in our classrooms are often just the outward expression of their inward pain. I am sure, like me, many of you have lain awake at night thinking of ways to help your students academically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.

God has called us to teach, encourage, and shepherd children and youth who are desperately looking for someone who cares enough to “see” them. The best way to guide these children is to ask the Lord daily for the wisdom of God to discern their needs.

This generation of children is living without hope and wisdom and yet desperately seeking it. The scriptures tell us to be ready to share the hope that is within us. We must be creative to share that hope without crossing the barriers teachers face in the public arena.

I encourage you to pray this each morning as you head into your classroom: God give me the wisdom that comes from heaven that is pure, peace loving, impartial, and full of mercy as I teach these children who are so greatly loved by You.

Copyright Kathleen White  To connect with the author, email whitedk30@gmail.com

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