And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25, ESV

At the beginning of one particular school year, a young, full of energy, and passionate teacher joined our language arts department. I, on the other hand, had been in this department for a while, so I had a crossroads in front of me…should I embrace this sweet, new-kid-on-the-block teacher, or should I go in my classroom, shut the door, and work my guts out like I always do (which had proven to be pretty effective)? Hmm. Decisions, decisions. Well, it didn’t take long for me to embrace her. She was infectious, eager to learn, and pretty persistent about connecting with the veteran teachers.

Throughout the year, as we worked together to plan units, discuss student progress, dissect state standards and assessments, etc, it came to the point where we would meander down the hallway to each other’s classrooms and quite naturally set up shop in one of those places during planning time or after-school time just to be in each other’s presence, even if it was working silently on our own student information. She was much better than me at creating, especially with technology and current trends, and she said I was much better at seeing the big picture of things and helping cast vision. So, we made a good team.

One day, she was plugging away at the computer, recording our creations and ideas in the form of a PowerPoint presentation to be delivered to all of our eager-to-learn students, when she looked up and giggled.

“You crack me up. Every time I am the one behind the computer, you are always walking around cleaning my room.”

She was right. I am a mover. I don’t like to sit still. So as she plugged away at her desk, I would naturally walk around and tidy up her disheveled room (which looked like it had been hit by a tornado of middle schoolers) while sharing my thoughts and ideas. She worked so hard to spend every minute of her planning to give her best to her students that she struggled to find time to tidy up the room. This simple act of service would offer her a sense of peace and order as she welcomed her students back into her room, ready to pour out all she had been preparing for them.

This was a pretty amazing moment for me as a veteran teacher. I was there to serve. Eventually, this precious new teacher became one of my best friends. And even though we have both moved on to other endeavors, we have remained close friends and sisters in Christ.

I know looking back, it was the Lord drawing us together. I am so thankful He did and that we were willing to listen to that Holy Spirit nudge. God blessed us with each other because we were both willing to open our doors to someone new. Opening your doors, literally and figuratively, can allow God to send you other believers to partner with in the ups and downs of the adventure we call life.

Dear Lord, thank you for loving us and always providing our needs. Help us to have our eyes open to those around us who may need love and encouragement. Help us to not neglect our time together and to see it as a gift to strengthen and inspire one another. Thank you for sending other believers to partner with us in the work You have called us to. In Jesus’ name, Amen.    

Copyright Jenni Lou Jackson.

Jenni Lou is a Christian Educators Movement member, former middle school language arts teacher, and children’s ministry director in Kentucky.

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