Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6, NKJV

Recently my family has been watching the television series, “The Chosen.” As we’ve watched the life of Jesus unfold, I have been paying close attention to his mother, Mary. I’ve wondered, Who were Mary’s parents? Consider Mary’s life: she was humble, obedient, faithful, and loving. Who trained her up? They did an absolutely amazing job. They did such a great job that God Almighty decided to highly favor her (Luke 1:28) and allow her to give birth to Jesus.

I find myself asking this same question when I look at my students, Who are their parents? Are they being trained in the way they should go?

If not, there is a golden opportunity for us as educators to impact their lives in a positive manner. Your students spend more time in a day with you than they do with their parents. I encourage you to use this time to plant seeds of righteousness in their lives. No one else may ever know or see the impact you made, but they will see the good fruit in your students’ lives.

Heavenly Father, You are a model for how we are to train our children. We could not ask for a more loving, caring, and thoughtful Father. You are so good to us and worthy of all our praise. I need Your Holy Spirit to guide and teach me so I can be the best example to children who are connected to me.

Copyright Niccori Thomas-Brown.

If you’ve enjoyed this devotion, Niccori shares more in her book, Doing All God Has Called You To Do: A Devotion For Novice Teachers.

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Teachers of Vision is a digital and printed magazine that is for teachers and written by teachers to encourage and equip the educational community.

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