Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1, NIV

Hiking in a state park new to us, my husband and I chose Canyon Trail, a moderate hike promising a waterfall for those who persevered to the end. We soon realized the rain had complicated the terrain overnight, leaving puddles and slippery footing at every turn.

Determined not to spoil the morning, I stubbornly shook my head each time my husband offered that we could turn back. After an hour or so of slip-sliding, we began meeting hikers on their return journeys from the waterfall. We eagerly bombarded them with questions about trail conditions ahead and the final destination, and they were just as enthusiastic to share what they’d encountered.

Each conversation renewed our weary minds and legs. After you pass the fallen trunk across the path, keep right for better footing. The ground will level out for a stretch very soon. The gravel is loose at that final turn, so go slowly.

We couldn’t help but ask, “Was it worth it?”

“Yes, it was,” they testified!

So we continued on.

In our Christian walks, too, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us. At school, let’s prayerfully seek out brothers and sisters in Christ of all ages and in all legs of their Christian journeys. We can ask some of them about trail conditions ahead. For others, we can offer encouragement and advice from our experiences. Let’s mentor. Let’s be mentored. Let’s keep moving forward toward that eternal waterfall that is worth every muddy, exhilarating step.

Dear Lord, we are so grateful for the cloud of witnesses in our churches, communities, and schools as well as those we meet each time we open Scripture. Remind us of the necessity of daily keeping in step with Your Holy Spirit, the travel guide You have sent for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright Kristi Shanenko.

Kristi is a current member of Christian Educators and a high school English teacher who lives in North Dakota.

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