I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. Psalm 34:4-5, ESV

Are you feeling worried today? Do you have a lot on your mind? If so, I want to remind you that the Bible tells us to look to the Lord when we are anxious and to cast our cares on Him.

Today, I encourage you to take your worries and fears to God in prayer. Write them down and then look up Bible verses about wisdom and an anxious heart. Allow God’s Word to be food for your soul and a soothing balm for your mind.

Dear God, I have too much on my mind today. Help me to remember to lay my thoughts and concerns before You in prayer. Please give me wisdom, I really need it. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

Copyright Ashley Rombs.

Ashley is a member and currently teaches in the School of Education at Regent University.

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2 Responses

  1. Appreciate this devotional today because, as we return from a much needed break, the fleshly anxiety of getting prepped for a new week is increased. However we serve a God who is greater than all of it.
    PS I’m a Regent grad class of 2014… Christian leaders to change the world ( one student at a time)

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