For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14, NIV
Have you ever had one of those days when you are driving home after a long day of teaching and think, What am I even doing?
You know the days when no one seemed to listen, the lesson you prepped bombed, you had an observation and nothing connected, there was a routine safety drill the kids couldn’t recover from….the list goes on and on.
During those days, weeks, or seasons, it is so easy to give up, believe the lies that you are not enough and never will be, and sink into false and destructive thinking. After all, you are only human.
But, here’s the good news: We serve a God who isn’t—only human that is.
He sees far beyond our hard days. His eyes are eternal. He knows where He has placed you and for what purpose. He created you before time began for this season and these moments.
Today, I want to encourage you to not be afraid of who God has made you to be. He has a plan and has given you a story to share. There is not a moment in your life at home or with students when He isn’t with you. My hope for you dear friend is that your soul can embrace this truth, “I can’t, but He can.”
Jesus, teach us to be honest with You in each season and hold fast to the truth that You have a plan, You have knit us in our mother’s wombs, and Your works are wonderful. Teach us to know this full well. Amen.
Copyright Rebekah Hutchinson.
Rebekah is a Christian Educators member and a second-grade teacher in Vancouver, Washington.
2 Responses
I was inspired by this writing! It addresses the down days that teachers experience and gives them a different way to look at them
Thanks for sharing, Maria! I pray that God blesses you as you serve in your school!