“Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” Isaiah 1:18, NLT

How soiled, how stained was your life because of the sin and self-will that enslaved you prior to coming to Christ? How can we trust God to forgive us of “so great sin?” That was the question asked by Charles Ryrie and answered when he wrote So Great Salvation. The answer is: Of course we can trust God to forgive our sins! It is what God—who is love—wants to do. God, who created the universe, can do anything!

I want to encourage you today to release that load of guilt that you have been carrying. Embrace the sweet and pure feeling of forgiveness, and walk among the forgiven!

Dear God, help us to always come quickly when we need forgiveness and cleansing!  Thank You for clearing away all our guilt. Amen.

Copyright Dr. Dan Elliott.

Dr. Elliott is a lifetime retired member of Christian Educators who lives in California.

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