Prayer: Dear Lord, with grateful hearts we come before You at the start of this day knowing You will guide us. We ask You to forgive our sins and we will walk in Your peace. Thank You. Amen

Scripture: I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29 NLT

Jesus’ love is so great that we don’t have to make pretenses. We don’t have to try to be something we are not. We only need to be honest before Jesus, who humbled Himself even to dying in our place because of our sin. In fact, Jesus doesn’t want you to come to Him with your self-reliance intact. He wants to take care of you, to provide for you, to build you up.

Lay aside whatever it is that you think makes you special, neat, powerful, important, prominent, or preeminent. Instead, just let Jesus have whatever it is that might be bothering you and release yourself into His hands for His solutions in His time. Then, relax and enjoy His peace forever.

Copyright Dr. Dan Elliott. To connect with the author, email delliott@christianeducators.org

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