And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. Luke 5:4–6, ESV

Imagine this: the disciples had been out all night fishing. They were probably wet, gross, and overwhelmed with the fact that they had no fish. I can only imagine their fatigue as they pulled in the net time after time while catching nothing. Their bodies, souls, and spirits were weary. They were ready to finish the day with no fish and give up. They were DONE.

I can relate to this struggle. As a teacher, I often feel lost in my pain and unsure of what God is doing. Sometimes I feel as if I have done everything I know how, but things aren’t “working” the way I planned. My heart becomes weary, I am ready to give up, and I begin to speak lies to myself about who I am and God’s plan for my life.

But even though the disciples were weary and had caught nothing all night, they were willing to trust Jesus and cast their nets one more time. They had a choice. Jesus did not force them to throw their net back into the water. He asked them to, and they complied because they trusted Him. They believed that He knew what was best for them.

Are you struggling? Perhaps Jesus is asking you to put your net back into the water one more time. Perhaps you too have an internal dialogue of weariness, frustration, and even shame. I have been there. We all have.

Is there a situation, or more than one situation, in which God is asking you to throw your net back into the water? If so, I encourage you to listen, my friend. Stand in faith and trust Him and His heart for you.

Jesus, Help us to hear Your voice and listen when You ask us to step out in faith. Teach us to put our nets in the water once again. Teach us to walk in faith and pay attention to Your words. Amen.

Copyright Rebekah Hutchinson.

Rebekah is a member and a second-grade teacher in Vancouver, Washington.

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4 Responses

  1. As the administrator of a start up Christian school. I have been extremely discouraged lately by the lack of students and the lack of involvement by members of my church. I have felt like throwing in the towel. This was encouraging to me. I need to keep pushing forward and doing the next right thing.

  2. This devotion came just at the right time. The words, “I just don’t have much of a fight left in me” have come out of my mouth more than once this month. I feel like this is just what I needed to pick up my nets and keep trying. Thank you.

    1. God bless you, Brianna! It’s such a blessing to know that even when life gets discouraging, God is always there to give us the encouragement we need at just the right time!

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