“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:8-9, NIV

Two years ago, I had my second first year of teaching…for the first time in a while.

I’d been blessed with a great position straight out of college in a well-respected (and well-paying) school district. I had support, friends, security, and 17 years invested in a school where I expected to retire.

Then, I had an “Abraham” moment: God asked me to leave all of that and move to a place I’d never been to serve at a specific church where I’d also never been! It involved getting a job and home sight unseen several states away, losing a sizeable chunk of my state pension, and taking an immediate $35,000 pay cut. I wish I could say I had picture-perfect faith and that I just “dropped my nets” and went…but the truth is, I was scared. From a worldly perspective, none of this made sense on paper. My husband and I waited a year and did a lot of back-and-forth, praying, and seeking godly counsel. In response, God gave us confirmation from every angle and opened doors that seemed impossible…so ultimately, obedience to what we knew we were supposed to do won out over everything else.

In July 2022, we moved 600 miles with 9-year-old twins, a 2-year-old “tornado,” and a 3-month-old newborn. 5 weeks later I began a new job in a new school, as a “first-year” teacher for the first time in 17 years. “Crazy on paper” is how I describe it! But you know what? If God is in it and behind it, that’s the best kind of crazy. It’s the kind that He uses for His glory. “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (1 Cor. 1:25).

Think for a moment of all the Bible stories we have about things that were “crazy on paper” that God used mightily: Joshua marching around Jericho to crumble its walls, Gideon defeating a huge Midianite army with only 300 men armed with torches and trumpets, Jesus being born to a virgin…and so many more.

This is what happens when we step outside of our comfort zones in response to God’s call on our lives. Think of the many missionary stories that have inspired us for generations: none of them involve someone remaining in a cushy, comfortable spot. I think God uses us best when we are outside of our comfort zones because that is where He can shine most brightly.

I want to encourage you: if God is calling you to do something outside your comfort zone or if He is calling you to move into the unknown like Abraham, or speak to Pharoah like Moses, or show love to your enemies like Jonah, DO IT. Even if it seems small or insignificant, like striking up a certain conversation or offering a word of encouragement to a stranger, DO IT. This is an exercise in trust that you will not regret. Lean on Him and you will be absolutely delighted when you see what He has planned.

Lord, I praise You for who You are, and how much higher Your ways are than mine. You know me better than I know myself, and Your plans for me are better than any I can imagine on my own. Please help me to trust You, Father, when I fail to trust You. Lord, help my unbelief. Remind me of Your love and care for me, and all the ways You’ve carried me before. You are truly a God who knows all things. Help me to trust in Your perfect plan and to follow my shepherd Jesus whenever and wherever He leads me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Copyright Rhapsody Jordan-Parisi.

Rhapsody is a member and high school English teacher from North Carolina. She is passionate about helping overwhelmed teachers reclaim their time and peace of mind through support, encouragement, and intentional strategies. You can connect with her at

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The Beauty of Teaching

4 Responses

  1. As always, I am inspired by your writing, Rhapsody. God has definitely got me out of my comfort zone and your message was very reassuring to me this morning. Thank you! Have a blessed day! 🙂

  2. Hi Rhapsody,
    How did you know that you made a good choice after you moved to the lower-paying job? Were there tangible results or are you still walking in faith that God will bless your new situation?

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I could write a LONG response to that question…but to try to be brief, I knew that I made a good choice because walking in obedience is ALWAYS the best choice. I have found that the more I obey and follow God’s lead, trusting Him, the more He gives me His peace which surpasses all understanding–literally! When it doesn’t make sense, when others think it’s crazy, when even I don’t understand how or why I could have peace in the midst of a stormy situation, God gives it. Because if God is on your side, that’s a majority 🙂

      Since moving, we have consistently lived outside of our prior financial comfort zone. But that also has forced my family and I to deepen our trust in the Lord–recognizing that HE provides all our needs, that HE is our security. And through very unexpected and sometimes miraculous ways, He has faithfully provided every step of the way. God HAS blessed our new situation–not by abundant finances, but in more ways than I have time to list here: our “tangible” results are those of the heart and spirit, incredible relationships, friendships, opportunities, and a deeper relationship with Jesus. I have come to realize that a danger of being “comfortable” is not remembering how much we truly need the Lord every moment, for every breath.

      I really want to encourage you to step out in faith if you hear the Spirit calling you to do so. He is faithful and trustworthy, forever.

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