Remember that the Sabbath Day belongs to me. Exodus 20:8, CEV

Ah! It’s Friday! What a relief to know that the long, five-day week has come to an end.

As I sit here on a quiet Friday afternoon before anyone else arrives home, I rest. I rest and listen. I listen to the wind and the chimes and the silence, and I listen to God. I ask Him to restore my soul for the upcoming week. I ask Him to give me creative ways to teach kindness, courtesy, courage, and good decision-making in all of my classes. I ask Him to help me point each student, parent, teacher, and administrator with whom I come in contact to Him. I ask Him to give me so much peace among the chaos that people ask me, “What’s your secret?” Then, I can tell them.

Thank you, Lord, for my Sabbath rest. Lord, help me recognize distractions from that rest. Help me see things that can wait. Help me take the time to hear Your voice and adjust according to Your word. Guide me as I take this time to just enjoy Your presence. Restore me, Lord. I want to honor You. Amen.

Copyright Cheryl Skid.

Cheryl is a member and retired educator from Missouri.

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