Prayer: Father God, Thank You that I am not in the battle alone. I ask You again, to renew a steadfast spirit in me. Amen

Scripture: Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 NAS

So here we are together again, another week has almost passed, and I am sure you have all battled your way through a few challenging days. I hope you did not think this race was going to be easy; Satan does not give up territory without a fight.

These are the days that you must push through in prayer. Ask God to act in His almighty and amazing ways. This battle is bigger than both of us. This commitment is more than a transition; it is about transformation and glorification. Your faithful living will result in changing your life, your school, and your community from average to awesome, making a more faith-filled nation and a fuller Kingdom. This is not just about saving your marriage, guarding your tongue, sponsoring a Christian club, getting out of debt, walking away from an addiction, singing hymns at the Christmas concert (yes, very legal), or leaving your Bible out on your desk. This is about making the mark for Jesus–from satisfactory to spectacular. This will be a jaw-dropping, news-making, faith-finding year and the gates of hell will not stand.

If this past week was hard, if chaos followed your heart-felt commitment, then praise God right now because you have stirred up trouble for Satan, and God is well pleased. Do not be discouraged; you have not asked for anything too big or too hard for God. Remember your job is to walk in faith and stay in forward motion. Ask God every morning, “What is your purpose for me today Lord?” Then watch expectantly and excitedly for what He will do in you and through you.

How easily do you see your students give up? If you asked them to write down their goals for the year, how are they holding up? How can you encourage them to resolve to fight the good fight? Have you talked to them about the focus of their goals? Are any of them focused on helping others or improving the world they live in? Do any of them involve their faith? Are they looking for short-term satisfaction, making a name for themselves, or is there a bigger and better good that comes from what they want to achieve? Is it worth fighting for? Is it worth the work? If not, they need better goals. Pray silently over them as you encourage them to dream big. Ask God to show them His priorities for their lives. Ask them what they really care about. What makes them angry when they hear about an injustice or abuse; what stirs their emotions? What are their talents? What do they like to do? What would it take for them to be better at this? Is there something they should stop doing? Is there something they should start doing? How committed are they? Do they have friends who will help and encourage them?  As their teacher, are you willing to give them a few minutes a couple of times a week to journal and talk about this journey? What will be the impact of your commitment and a composition book? Could it change their lives? Could it change the world? I think so.

My prayer for you is that you would grasp and pass along a strong and steadfast spirit.

Copyright Kathy Branzell. To connect with the author, email

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