Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul. Matthew 11:29, NASB

Nowadays, it seems like being a professional driver is part of the average parent’s job description. If your children’s activities run back-to-back or overlap you may even have to be a racecar driver. After all, if you want your children to be successful they have to “be driven.” Sorry–just a little joke.

I have always been an advocate for not allowing children to be over-committed. If children are busy from the minute they are out of school until late at night, when do they do their homework? When do they relax? When do they get to just be kids?

After years of limiting my own children’s activities, one summer I mistakenly allowed them to choose more than I had realized. All of these activities required us to be at the gym every night but one—sometimes twice in one day. Piano, swim lessons, golf camp, church activities, and volunteer activities—we were out of control! It seemed like the more we did, the more they wanted to do. I watched them go from energetic to exhausted. They were tired and grumpy, and I was miserable. It just goes to show that we cannot let them make all the decisions for themselves, as some would suggest.

I want my children to flourish and use the talents God has given them—and everyone needs a hobby. But not at the cost of their health or success. In the search for success, we can easily compromise quality for quantity. But God requires our best. We are not supposed to work ourselves to death but rather do our best at what God has purposed us to do.

Today’s verse tells us that we will find rest for our souls when we take God’s yoke upon us. If you have not rested in a while, you are carrying extra baggage. When you overload, one thing always comes at the cost of another.

What about you and your family? How many meals do you eat in the car each week? Do you ever get to eat together as a family? What time do you get to bed?

Lord, I ask You to help me choose my schedule carefully and allow time for rest and listening to You. I don’t want to be too busy and miss out on what is most important. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.

Kathy has a heart for encouraging Christian educators and currently serves as the President of the National Day of Prayer Task Force. Prior to this role, she was the founder and president of Fellowship and Christian Encouragement (FACE) for Educators.

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