And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14, ESV
As teachers, we all experience discouraging days. Sometimes they’re a result of a particularly frustrating incident. Other times, they’re the product of stress or pure exhaustion. And they’re no fun. These days can make us doubt our abilities, feel hopeless, and may even make us want to give up.
But the truth is, we are going to have discouraging days, especially when we are doing something as challenging as teaching.
I want to remind you that if you’re discouraged, it doesn’t mean that you are a failure and you can’t do it. But, it does mean that you need a little encouragement. And I hope the following reminders give you the extra boost you need today!
- Remember that growth takes time. You are making a difference, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
- Pray and rely on God. Talk to God about your frustrations, discouragements, fears, hopes, and desires. Depend on Him to help you through the difficult days.
- Remember your calling. Remember why you are doing what you do. Don’t give up—your students need you.
- Seek advice and help. Companionship, help, and wisdom from others who have walked the same road can be just what we need to make it through another day and eventually thrive.
- Find a way to rest and refresh yourself. Sometimes what we need most is a little time away or maybe just a nap. When you’re rested and refreshed, you’ll be more effective and better equipped to take on the challenges of tomorrow.
Dear Lord, we are all trying to be the best teachers we can be in this world which is frustrating and exhausting. Will You help us to remember to rely on You and Your presence? Help us remember that our calling as teachers is not based on perfection or results. As we work hard for Your glory Lord, please help us fight discouragement with rest, the encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and the truth of Your word. Amen
Copyright Linda Kardamis.
Linda is the founder of Teach 4 the Heart, a website that provides practical help and biblical encouragement for Christian teachers. She’s also one of the co-creators of the annual Rise Up Summit.