You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. Acts 20:20, NIV

As followers of Jesus, we are all called to ministry. For some, it is a public ministry shepherding many people on a daily basis. For others, it is a quiet ministry that takes place in our homes, schools, or communities. And each ministry is custom-designed by God to utilize our individual gifts and talents.

God knows what we are capable of doing! He will place people in our lives so that we can minister to them. He will give us tasks that make us step out of our comfort zones so that we can see His hand in our callings. When He does this, we can allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and give us the words to speak to minister to someone. We can trust Him when He places people in our lives and appreciate that He wants us to be a part of His team.

Dear God, help us to appreciate the ministry You have given us. Help us to recognize the importance of ministering to our students and coworkers. Give us the insight to meet their needs and help us to do everything for Your glory.  Thank you for giving us a calling and for using us to help build Your kingdom. It is an honor to serve You, our God, and be part of Your team. Amen.

Copyright Laurie Dahle.

Laurie is a member and a physical therapist who works in a Missouri public school district. She also writes her own daily devotionals. If you are interested in receiving them, you may contact her at faithexercisediet@gmail.com and check out her website.

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