“Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!” Psalm 31:24

As educators, we do a lot of waiting…waiting for an observation from our supervisors…waiting for our students to quiet down…waiting for summer vacation…waiting for retirement! In all this, it is so important for us to learn how to wait well. So how do we wait? How do we best prepare for what is ahead?

Wait With Joy 
It is easy to grumble and complain, but it is far more rewarding to wait in joy. Walking in union with Christ and being in constant prayer will lead us to enjoy teaching our students and relish the moments we have with them. As we cultivate our relationship with the Lord, we can allow joy to overtake everything we do. Furthermore, embracing an attitude of thanksgiving will also shift our mindset. When we express gratitude and become secure in our identity in Christ, we can teach with joy for the sake of our students, not for an administrator’s approval or evaluation.

Wait in Action
While we wait, there is much we can do to make the most of our time. As we watch the clock waiting for our students to finish an exam or for the bell to ring, we can take those moments to pray or speak words of encouragement. In moments of waiting, we can connect with a coworker and even share the gospel message. Let us ask God, what does it look like for me to wait in action? Who can I love more? Who can I encourage? How should I pray?

Wait with an Eternal Perspective
Let us remember that we are called to do everything unto the Lord. Everything we do with and for our students is an investment in their eternity. We are taking part in building the Kingdom of God here and now. Whatever we are called to do and however long we must wait, let us do it to the glory of the Lord, knowing that our reward will come from Him.

Lord, help us to stay focused on You and Your plans for us at all times, even when we are waiting. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright Ana Maria Rabkin.

Ana Maria Rabkin is an elementary school teacher in New York City.

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Teachers of Vision is a digital and printed magazine that is for teachers and written by teachers to encourage and equip the educational community.

Kingdom Perspective

2 Responses

  1. sometimes the morning message is what gets me through the day when I get the chance to see it. I guess I need to do a better job of making that opportunity happen.

    1. Terrell, we are so glad our devotionals bless you. We will be praying for God’s peace and strength throughout your days!

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