I am so thankful for the wisdom and ministry of Dr. David Piccolo! His monthly column has been so encouraging this past year. But with the end of the school year, we are making some changes to the content we provide to our members. So, I’m sad to announce that this will be the final Piccolo Lessons. Thankfully, David will continue to serve our members with his amazing wisdom as one of our educational consultants. We are so blessed to have him on the Christian Educators team!
– David Schmus, Executive Director, Christian Educators
Dear Christian Educators members and friends,
I know from speaking with so many of you that you are feeling downtrodden, confused, marginalized, and disillusioned after this past school year. So in my final edition of Piccolo Lessons, I want to leave you with some words of encouragement from the book of Acts.
Just before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He said to the apostles in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Most of us are very familiar with this verse. However, we often forget the true power of the Holy Spirit as we go through our everyday lives. Many times, we let the world have its way and then react by going into problem-solving mode on our own instead of relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. As you move through this summer and beyond, my prayer for each of you is that you fully grasp what it means to have the power of the Holy Spirit within you!
Later on, in Acts 1:11, two men dressed in white stood beside the apostles as Jesus ascended into heaven and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
As Christian educators, we can hold on to this hope. We can remember this truth when we face trials. As you continue in your roles, I pray that you hold on to the hope that Jesus is coming back!
So, as I conclude this final edition of Piccolo Lessons, I want you to know that I will be praying fervently for God to encourage you. I will continue in my role as an educational consultant for Christian Educators if you ever need advice or prayer. May all of you enjoy a restful summer.
To God be The Glory!
David M. Piccolo
4 Responses
I would love to receive more information about the organization
Of course! Just check out http://www.christianeducators.org/about/ to learn more on your own, or email info@christianeducators.org to talk to one of our Member Service Coordinators!
The Lord bless you, Dr. Piccolo. Your counsels and prayers have been a blessing to me these past two years. Thank you for your final lesson, and I hope someone else might pick up the baton and keep on writing.
Amen !!! The Lord has someone already laid up to continue this blessed lessons as He is faithful to hear the hearts of the saints !! God bless us all as we stay the course toward the prize 🏆 Yahweh He reigns !!