Godly Wisdom in Our Everyday Lives
Godly Wisdom in Our Everyday Lives
Piccolo Lessons, November 2022

I hope at the writing of this month’s edition of Piccolo Lessons, all of you are finding thanks and peace in both your careers and family relationships. We are entering into a time of appreciation and thanks for all we have, and for what God continues to provide for us. In this short, but hopefully potent message, the Lord has placed on my heart what it really means to have “Godly Wisdom” and how we use it in every facet of our lives.

Proverbs 1:7 clearly states, “The fear of The Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” So the question always arises, how does this relate to our lives, our jobs, and most of all our relationship with God? There are a few key words in this verse, so let’s take a closer look at how they relate to our lives.

First of all, what does the word fear mean in this context? I can tell you this much, it does not place the Lord in some mysterious place where we just relate to him with an unhealthy fear without any relational tie. On the contrary, it means a healthy respect and humble approach to who He really is and what He can do in our lives if we merely embrace and respect Him. There are also two key words in the second part of the verse: “despise wisdom.” This phrase simply means that a foolish man not only rejects Godly wisdom but he actually hates even the thought of it being an integral part of his life. Wow, what a terrible way of running your everyday life!

Let’s take this time to really understand what Godly wisdom is and how we can apply it to our daily lives. The following three points may help you understand it a little clearer. James 3:17-18 makes clear reference and support of its meaning.

  1. It is pure with no false motives.
  2. It considers others feelings and thoughts.
  3. It plays no favorites while being sincere and merciful.


Now the question arises how do we know if we are provided Godly wisdom or worldly wisdom? My suggestion to you is to read and study James 3:13-18. Through these verses God’s spirit will clearly reveal to you what type of wisdom you are receiving no matter who you are talking to. 

I remember receiving Godly wisdom in an unexpected way. In the beginning of my career as an administrator I worked for one of the most influential people in my life to this point—Dr. Joe Worsham, the principal of Cypress Creek High School in Orlando, Florida. Years ago, I had been hired there in the fall to be the Dean of Students after teaching and coaching for the previous 13 years. The demands of a high school administrator are sometimes overwhelming and if we don’t keep a careful eye on them, can creep into our personal lives. Being the Type A personality I am, I began to place more emphasis on the job and less at the home front. I needed counsel and one day the Lord put on my heart to talk with Joe. He gave me some of the best advice I’ve ever received. He simply said this job is second to the lovely woman God has given you and you must love her as Christ loved the church. He then said he was limiting my night duties at school until God restored a balance. This was incredible advice birthed in Godly wisdom. Guess what, we are still friends to this day!

So, as I bring this month’s edition of Piccolo Lessons to a close, let me provide you with a few final thoughts. First of all, we are all blessed to be a part of an organization that puts God first. This happens from the board of directors and executive leadership all the way down to our members. Finally, know that Godly wisdom is available from every person who serves in the Christian Educators arena. All of us continually pray for your strength, perseverance and, yes, you guessed it, God’s infinite wisdom to be with you in all endeavors.

May we all give thanks during this season that we have a savior who is always with us to provide heavenly wisdom and direction in all we do.

Until next month, May God Bless all of you!

To God be all the glory!
David M. Piccolo

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