“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.” Romans 1:8
This is why we created the SavED By Grace blog to provide weekly inspiration to you in your work as an educator. This month, we celebrate the one year anniversary of SavED by Grace. This date marks the connections, interactions, teachings, and networking of thousands of you who have participated in the blog. The response and participation with this blog has been way beyond our wildest dreams, God has expanded its reach and audience.
As you focus on inspiring hope and grace to your students, we want to encourage you by sharing the top five most popular and most read blog posts from the SavED by Grace first year of publishing.
As we move into our second year of the SavED by Grace blog, we hope that you will continue to be part of the amazing journey by reading the posts, commenting, sharing the posts on social media, and contributing by writing a blog post. If you are interested in writing a blog post, please contact me at drbillziegler@gmail.com You don’t need to be an author of books or an English teacher to write a post, just a heart to serve, a passion for inspiring educators, and focus on faith.
We would love to hear how you have been encouraged by SavED by Grace, comment on this blog post and share how you have been inspired and uplifted by this blog. We pray that God will continue to bless you through SavED by Grace posts throughout the coming year.
Be inspired and uplifted, you are making a major difference in the lives of your students. Stay the course, keep showing God’s love, and be encouraged for you are prayed for daily at Christian Educators Association International. May God bless you richly as we close out this school year, rest up through the summer, and begin a new school year in the fall.