An Invitation: Leading with your commission in the classroom every day

Can you call me? 

I don’t know why, but whenever a supervisor reaches out with those four words, I start to get nervous. Furthermore, when I receive the call without any details, my mind tends to go in a lot of different directions. 

Usually, the call goes far better than expected. I receive clarity on something I was wondering about, support for a problem I was working through, or encouragement about something I am going through either personally or professionally. Embracing the phone calls and preparing myself to be open to opportunities has always helped me see the big picture and my part in it. 

….let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1, NIV

So here is my question: how do you respond when God is the one calling you?

It may sound like a student you have been struggling to make connections with or a lesson you have been trying to teach differently. Maybe it is a career change you have been wrestling with or an opportunity to go back to school. 

Regardless of what  it is, these are a few ways you can start to embrace His words more consistently and clearly. 

Be Open.

Not me, no way, I can’t, I wouldn’t be good at… We can all find the words to dismiss what He is calling us to do. But, what if we embrace them the next time He speaks? Maybe it is sitting at a different table in the staff lounge during lunch and listening to a coworker. Or spending extra time with a student who seems to be struggling. These daily interactions provide multiple opportunities to be open and available to answer His call.

Be Intentional.

Whatever the call, we can be intentional with the steps we take to fulfill it. Persevering through our commission may require us to be mindful of the hiccups or roadblocks that stop us from honoring God’s calling. Finding intentional time for prayer, journaling, or scripture memorization can help ground us in where to go next. 

Be Reflective.

In every season of seeking a calling, we find moments on the mountain tops, and times in the valleys. If we journal our thoughts and feelings through the process, we can return to these notes when a new challenge comes our way. We can look back and see how God has worked in our lives. It will encourage us to continue serving in the most important calling: letting others see His light and love through the work we do every day. 

And one final, gentle reminder as we work to find ways to embrace our callings: we will be imperfect in the process. But instead of focusing on the flaws and errors in our walk, we can shift our focus to our Perfect Savior. He has selected each of us for the race we are running for His own glory, not for the pace, form, or personal performance that we might contribute.

Jessica Cabeen

Jessica Cabeen is the Principal for Alternative Educational Program in Austin, Minnesota. She was the 2021 ED Dive National Principal of the year and In 2017 she was awarded the Minnesota National Distinguished Principal. Jessica is the author of Hacking Early Learning, Lead with Grace, Unconventional Leadership, and co-authored Balance Like A Pirate. When not at bus duty or checking in with students and teachers in classrooms and the hallways she speaks at schools, districts and conferences about leadership, learning, and how to balance everything in-between.

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