Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged…Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you. I Chronicles 22:13b, 16b, NIV

Have you ever been asked to do something important that you have never done before?

King Solomon was given the task of building the first-ever temple for God. It was to “be of great magnificence, fame, and splendor in the sight of all the nations.” His father David had laid out the plans and provided the materials and labor, but Solomon was young and inexperienced. Where would he start? What if things didn’t go according to plan? David reminded him of all the preparations he had made and charged Solomon to seek the Lord’s help and get on with the project.

Sometimes we are given new opportunities. And even if we are excited, the prospect of researching, planning, and actually doing the work can be daunting. Where do we begin? With prayer. We need to make certain this is a task God wants us to do. After all, David had planned to build the temple himself until God said “No.” God wanted Solomon to do that. If we are certain this is part of God’s plan, then we need to do what Solomon did and ask for wisdom.

Recently, I wasn’t surprised when my principal asked me to prepare a professional development seminar for our secondary teachers. One of the things I am known for at my school is my classroom management. Typically, things run smoothly, the students learn, and we all have a good time. I don’t mind sharing advice with colleagues when asked, but presenting it to a group of peers who may not be receptive is another thing. Where do I begin? With prayer. If this is of God, I need to “be strong and courageous, not afraid or discouraged (and) begin the work.” I should be doing this for His purposes and His glory. As long as I please Him, I cannot fail.

Is there something you know God has asked you to do? If so, be strong and courageous and begin the work!

Lord, sometimes we don’t feel equipped to do the tasks before us. Give us discernment. Help us to skillfully accomplish things that are our responsibilities. Help us to gracefully decline the tasks You have planned for someone else. And give us the wisdom to bring You all the glory in the process. Amen.

Copyright Diana Anderson.

Diana Anderson is a member who teaches history and art to secondary students at a Christian school in Kennewick, WA.

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One Response

  1. When you have your presentation ready, could you share it? I just attended a training for Catching Kid’s Hearts as it is the district discipline plan. It is good, but hard to implement when the students are already Behavior challenged and think they know better than the teacher. Thank you for the devotional. It helps.

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