Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18, KJV                                                              

The Bible is a continual record of personal interactions between God and His people, most of the time through dreams and visions. Noah was given the vision of a future flood for which he was to prepare. Joseph was given visions as a youth that weren’t manifested until decades later. Joshua and Caleb were called and given a vision to go into the Promised Land—and it took forty years for this vision to be fulfilled. Daniel was continually given visions, some of which possibly have yet to be fulfilled. Isaiah was given visions of a future Messiah which wasn’t revealed for centuries. While exiled on the island of Patmos, the apostle John was given a stream of dreams and visions he recorded in the book of Revelation.

What personal visions and directions has God given you? Have they been fulfilled yet?

I believe God wants you to receive this message from Him today: I haven’t forgotten what I told you long ago about your hope and future. I revealed it only to you because it was a special gift just for you. Unlike many others, I keep my promises. Look in your heart and mind where you filed it long ago. Dare to dream again. Look on the beach by the ocean, where in doubt and anger, you once tossed out the vision I gave you because you were impatient and did not see it coming true. You will find your old dream and vision washed up on the shore. You lost it that day, but I found it and want to return it to you because I love you eternally.

Lord, grant us or restore to us Your vision for our futures so that we may fulfill Your calling in our lives.

Copyright Don Clark.

Don is a member and a retired elementary special education teacher. He also recently retired from his role as the Houston area director for Christian Educators.

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2 Responses

  1. Thank you Lord. You may guide us through visions and dreams and we listen to the nudging of the Holy Spirit for direction.

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