“ …your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” Joel 2:28, NIV   

Debbie, a junior high math teacher, was on her way to attend a city-wide Christian Educators meeting in Houston, Texas. As she drove, one of the verses from the old gospel hymn, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” kept coming to her heart and mind: “I have seen him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps…”

She continued singing this verse over and over, belting it out with all of her strength. Nothing else would come to her lips. She concurrently had a vision of teachers who looked like old Civil War soldiers huddled in small groups around numerous burning campfires praying. She saw that they were in the midst of a great spiritual battle and that prayer was going to be the key to victory over the darkness in their profession.

Debbie believed the Lord spoke to her heart that day saying, “When there are one hundred teacher prayer groups with at least three hundred teachers meeting regularly for agreement in prayer, then I will break the spiritual bondage and strongholds over the schools in this city.”

Through her local Christian Educators network, Debbie began to encourage teachers to start prayer groups. She knew God was calling her to carry the torch and ignite the fires. Today, she has helped more than twenty schools start prayer groups and continues to encourage others to fulfill the vision the Lord gave her.

What professional dream or vision has the Lord given you? Are you working to fulfill it?

Lord, thank you for giving us visions and dreams. We ask that You give us the courage to share and fulfill those dreams. Amen.

Copyright Don Clark.

Don is a member and a retired elementary special education teacher. He recently retired from his role as the Houston area director for Christian Educators.

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Teachers of Vision is a digital and printed magazine that is for teachers and written by teachers to encourage and equip the educational community.

Kingdom Perspective

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