Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed. Uphold me, and I will be delivered; I will always have regard for your decrees. Psalm 119:116-117, NIV

One of the main responsibilities we have as educators is creating a safe learning environment for our students. Especially during these times, safety is paramount. So, where do we begin? First, we can recognize that God is our source. We can get on our knees in prayer, and ask Him to protect us and sustain us. And, we can trust that He will keep His children safe in our classrooms.

Then, we can also ask ourselves the following questions: Do my students feel loved? Do they feel comfortable expressing themselves? Do they feel safe in my classroom? Are they able to learn?

These questions are ongoing and require daily reflection. Thankfully, we can consistently lift these requests up to God and trust that He will reveal the answers to us and sustain us.

Father, thank you for the way you sustain me and uphold me. Teach me to be like you as I seek to create a space of safety and love for the students you have entrusted to me this year.

Copyright Karen Seddon.

Karen is the Florida Director for Christian Educators and the author of several books encouraging educators in prayer.

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The Beauty of Teaching

One Response

  1. Thank you, Karen. I’ve been thinking about this very thing this week. God is our rock and our fortress! He will sustain us and renew our strength!

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