Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 17:8, NIV
Recently, I’ve found Facebook Reels to be an effective way to get my mind off of a stack of unmarked papers. In one particular reel just yesterday, in fact, I learned about a test to confirm whether or not we like someone that said: if we like someone, our pupils will dilate. Upon hearing this, I snorted, smiled, and tucked this little bit of social media trivia away to test out later.
This morning, I came across Psalm 17:8 and paused on David’s plea to be kept as the apple of the Lord’s eye. Commentators seem to agree that this phrase is referring to the pupil. Taken literally, then, David was asking to be protected. Taken figuratively, he was asking to be doted upon. Either way, David wanted to be cherished, and this is a familiar heart’s cry passed down through time.
Every day, our schools and classrooms are filled with precious souls that long to be protected, loved, and—yes—even doted upon.
I have an idea: find the nearest stereotypical apple decoration and place it somewhere visible in your classroom. Each time we glance at that decoration, let’s remind ourselves of two truths: (1) I, as a follower of Jesus, am the apple of God’s eye. (2) Each of my students has been created to be the apple of His eye, too.
As cherished children of God, let’s check to see if our pupils dilate when we stand in front of our students—maybe not every day, but regularly. Through Christ and because of Christ, may we love them as He loves us.
Heavenly Father, please give us eyes to see our students as You see them. Help us look at them with love just as David asked to be looked upon by You. Thank you for Your Son, through whom we can do all things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Copyright Kristi Shanenko.
Kristi is a current member of Christian Educators and a high school English teacher who lives in North Dakota.
2 Responses
I love this idea. Are students the apple of our eye like we are in God’s? Great reminder! Hope you are well in N. Dakota.
I’m shivering here in Virginia cuz it’s 40 outside. 😳🙂
Mike, I agree! I love the visual idea!