When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30, NIV

Jesus’ last words as He gave up his spirit were “It is finished.”

The word in Greek is “Tetelestai.” There is a lot of cultural significance found in this word for the Greeks. When they paid a debt in full, that debt was stamped “Tetelestai.” The debt had been paid. Completely.

I wonder if the Greeks questioned Jesus’ use of this term as they witnessed His death. Did they understand the significance of this phrase? I imagine they did not.

We know, though. From our perspective, we understand exactly what this term means: He paid the price. For us. Our sin debt has been paid. Completely. He took it on Himself and paid it in full by giving His life for us.

I encourage you to integrate this powerful message of redemption and grace into your teaching practices. As we interact with our students, let’s strive to embody the sacrificial love and forgiveness exemplified by Jesus. Let’s extend patience, understanding, and encouragement to each student, recognizing that they, like us, are recipients of God’s grace.

Yes, His sacrifice paid our debt in full, and it also paid theirs.

Heavenly Father, thank you for sacrificing Your Son to pay our sin debt in full. Help us to take some time today to sit and reflect on that most powerful truth. Grant us opportunities to live out this Good News today. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Copyright Morgan Preston.

Morgan is a former middle school language arts and social studies teacher. She is currently Christian Educators’ Marketing and Communications Coordinator and serves her middle school students and teachers through First Priority.

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Teachers of Vision is a digital and printed magazine that is for teachers and written by teachers to encourage and equip the educational community.

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CE Summer Bible Study

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