For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10, NLT

Studying the Enneagram has helped me to learn more about myself by understanding my strengths and weaknesses. I have also learned more about other people and their masterful wiring. As a teacher, I’ve applied what I’ve learned and realized that my students all have different ways of processing the world beyond what the pedagogy of learning types provides. But one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned from the Enneagram is that our strengths can also become our weaknesses when applied in excess. With this in mind, I try to better understand my students and colleagues and find ways to harness the power of their strengths to ensure they don’t become a hindrance.

For example, you know that sweet child who helps everyone—how can we ensure that he isn’t putting himself behind with deadlines because he is making sure everyone else is prepared? I’m sure you also know a colleague who always has the perfect idea to bring fun and adventure to school—what happens when this social butterfly over-extends and says yes to every club, sign-up sheet, and fundraiser?

Today, I encourage you to talk to your students and colleagues—God’s masterpieces—and learn more about their personalities, strengths, weaknesses, and goals to help them shine.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the wisdom of Solomon and the beauty of knowing that we are each a personal masterpiece of Your design with good works to do. Help us to affirm the value of each of our students. Foster a peaceful and safe environment in our classrooms so that we can share the truth about developing skills and giving our best selves to the world without pushing beyond the limits. Holy Spirit, bring us words to have these valuable conversations with the people in our circle of influence. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Copyright Lori Vandeventer.

Lori Vandeventer is a member and a corporation librarian/dual-credit English teacher from Indiana.

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One Response

  1. “The problem with enneagram theories is that they tend to depart from the field of basic personality study and veer into spirituality. These theories are often presented as a path towards enlightenment and “higher states of being.” It is incompatible with Catholicism because these spiritual “insights” are derived from esoteric and non-Christian belief systems.”

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