“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4:14, NLT

Not too long ago, I was in a hot and dry place working outdoors on a project. After a while, I started feeling dizzy and it became hard to focus. It was then that I realized I had been so focused on my project that I had not had anything to drink for several hours even though I had been sweating quite a bit in the 110-degree heat. So I stopped and found the supply of cool water bottles and started to drink. I drank an entire bottle without stopping—I was thirsty! But wouldn’t it have been nice if I didn’t have to stop what I was doing to go and find water to refresh my parched mouth and body?

Just like our bodies, our souls need refreshing and recharging as well. But instead of cool water, we drink God’s Holy Spirit to refresh our souls. But unlike our bodies, there is a continual springing up of God’s refreshment when the Holy Spirit resides within us. We don’t have to stop what we are doing to look anywhere else. Instead, we can rely on Him as we continue the tasks He has placed before us.

I pray that today you draw from God’s unending spring of cool, refreshing strength as you face the giants before you and conquer in Jesus’ name.

I am grateful today, Lord, that You are always with me and will give me strength for the job and journey You have put before me. Amen.

Copyright Dr. Dan Elliott.

Dr. Elliott is a lifetime retired member of Christian Educators who lives in California.

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The Beauty of Teaching

5 Responses

  1. Thank you for this encouragement to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit before we get “dehydrated.” I will share this devotional with my class today. We just had the story of the woman at the well and Jesus the Living Water: on Monday!
    This will hopefully be encouraging to them as well. Thank you!

    1. Wow, Hilary – thank you for sharing this devotional with your class. God bless you as you continue to pour into the lives of your students!

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