You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked. Psalm 12:7 NIV

As educators, we have a front-row seat in public schools to the beauty and the dilemma of educating every child. We see students who love to learn, students who can’t learn, and students who don’t want to learn. We see students that come from all different types of families and face every issue imaginable. Many times, what we see can seem insurmountable. But, as Christian educators, we can intercede on behalf of our students and their families and pray God’s promises over their lives. And, we can take comfort in God’s promise that He will preserve all those who love Him throughout the generations and into eternity.

Father, thank you for your incredible faithfulness to fulfill your promises. I put my trust in who You are and Your promises to be with me and protect me. I also pray for protection over my students. Keep them safe and protect them from the plans of the enemy.

Copyright Karen Seddon.

Karen is the Florida Director for Christian Educators and the author of several books encouraging educators in prayer.

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