Scripture: Everyone must submit himself to the governing authority, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.  Romans 13:1 NIV

When the spring of 2020 happened, the way we educate changed. Our daily routines were disrupted. The things we took for granted were quickly realized. The student who needed constant reminders in the hallways or who you had to find in a study hall to complete a task now had to be found virtually. Oh, how I missed the smiling faces of students or the simple interactions among coworkers.

We then returned for the 20-21 school year with a “new normal” behind face masks and sanitizing desks before the next class would enter.  As a coach, I was even sanitizing equipment and storing FB mouthguards in individual, sealed baggies daily.

But we did it. We did it for the kids.

How quick I was to grumble when we returned. How many educators went to school to disinfect and clean desks eight times a day? How many educators went to school to be counselors? Why are these Social-Emotional Learning presentations now on my plate? Why do I question tasks, both then and now, that are given to me by my supervisor? Somedays, it just feels like “one more thing” is added on top of an already heaping plate that is full of responsibilities.

My prayer for you this day is that you know that all that is being handed to you is from an authority figure who wouldn’t be in that position if God didn’t allow it. Today, let’s carry out our vocation in a way that is a beacon of light to our students, our coworkers, our administration, and our communities. Let’s do it in a way that is pleasing to our Father in heaven who controls all things.

And, on the day you don’t feel like anyone is checking on you to see if you are okay, God is here for you. Your brothers and sisters in Christ are here for you! You are awesome! You are doing a great job! You are loved!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, this hour, this day, this week, this school year, help me to be an obedient servant to your Truth. Help me to honor you through my words and actions – in adversity, in trials, in celebrations, in all I say and do. Help me to discern the difference between my human emotions and Your Spirit’s guiding hand. Abba, may your Name be glorified in my classroom today and beyond. Amen

Copyright Tom Milbrandt. To connect with the author, email

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