Prayer: Lord, I am so in awe that when I come to You, You always come near to me. May I never become so accustomed to this reality that I forget to stand in awe of your faithful presence. Today I choose to draw near to You, trusting that You will show up. Amen

Scripture: What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to Him? Deuteronomy 4:7 NIV

When we pray, our God draws near to us. Who else has a god who is nearer to them than the Christian educator? Pray continually with thanksgiving and seek His presence in your school. Where there are Christian educators, He is there. Find another colleague to pray with and encourage each other to remember just how near He is!

Copyright Karen Seddon. To connect with the author, email

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The Beauty of Teaching

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