In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.  Psalm 4:8, NIV
Lord! I can’t stop! My mind is going 500 miles an hour, whirring with things I have to do. I have so many deadlines, papers to grade, meetings to schedule, and IEPs to write! I can’t slow down! Help me, Lord!

Do you feel this way? Do you have trouble shutting off your mind, especially at night? This time of year can be very overwhelming for teachers.

But you don’t have to lose sleep over any of it! God’s Word says that He gives His beloved sleep. And since you are His beloved, when you lie down to sleep tonight, He will give you rest. He will lead you beside still waters. He will restore your soul. He will give you peace.

Dear Lord, I ask You to guide me in my thinking. Please help me to stay peaceful and stop frenzied thoughts. Please help me to rest. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright Cheryl Skid.

Cheryl is a member and retired educator from Missouri.

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