For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13, NIV

On this Labor Day, I want to encourage you to pause and consider the power of prayer over your daily work. Whether you love your job, dislike your job, appreciate your job, question the purpose of your job, or just simply need a job, prayer can significantly impact your perspective. It can change the way you view the good times and the bad times, helping you recognize the blessings and the trials that God uses to make you stronger and draw you closer to Him. It can help you understand God’s plans and purpose for your life. It will allow you to experience the fullness of what God wants to do through you. And it will change your heart toward your work—instead of seeing your job as something you have to do, you will see it as a way to bring glory and honor to Him!

Dear God, thank you for this day of rest. Thank you for Your grace and mercy that allows me to renew my mind each day. Help me to see my work as a way to fulfill Your plan and purpose for my life. Give me the strength to do Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Copyright Lara Busold.

Lara is an Assistant Editorial Manager for Teachers of Vision magazine and a Communications Editor for Christian Educators.

Don’t forget about Christian Educators’ Steps of Prayer movement. Every day in September, we want you to be intentional to pray as you walk around your school. At the end of the school day, report your steps/distance to the webpage linked above and let’s see how God transforms our “Steps of Prayer” into testimonies of His faithfulness!

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