“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3-5, NIV

When I found out I was expecting a baby, my husband and I were overjoyed. I knew this meant I would need to take a break from teaching, and I had planned on this. But shortly after we got the exciting news, I found myself unexpectedly upset.

Why? Because teaching had become an idol to me.

I came to this realization while listening to a staff devotional led by my principal. I found myself tearing up as the truth hit me. I realized I had put too much of my identity into teaching. I knew I would feel lost if I wasn’t a teacher because it was such a big part of my identity. Even though I was teaching for God, I had allowed teaching to take the place of God.

Teaching could be an idol if you…

  1. Find your identity in it. If we’re not careful, we can become so engrossed in teaching that it becomes who we are instead of what God has called us to do.
  2. Won’t let God have it. We have to trust God and surrender our plans and desires to Him, allowing Him to lead us according to His will.
  3. Desire it with all your heart. God should be our heart’s greatest desire–nothing else.

Realizing the idols I had created was a sobering experience, but the clarity it provided me is invaluable. I challenge you to examine your own heart. And I promise, releasing idols will bring you great joy, peace, and contentment.

Father, please show each of us what idols may be ruling in our hearts. Help us see You and Your great goodness and find our worth and worship in You alone. Amen.

Copyright Linda Kardamis.

Linda is the founder of Teach 4 the Heart, a website that provides practical help and biblical encouragement for Christian teachers. She’s also one of the co-creators of the annual Rise Up Summit.

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